All Posts: medical education
New Class of GEMS Embark on an Unforgettable Journey
(July 24, 2020) — As the only child of a single parent, Zach Boston became the primary caretaker for his mother after she was diagnosed with a chronic illness when he was 6 years old. Though she passed away when he was a teenager, his experience with his mother inspired Boston to become a physician. […]
Category: GUMC Stories
It Takes a Virtual Village: Educators, Patient Actors and Medical Students Build Connections with Telehealth Training
(June 26, 2020) — Just as medical practices rapidly transitioned to deliver health care remotely in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, medical school faculty and administrators at Georgetown quickly integrated a telehealth training component into newly developed two-week virtual clerkships in pediatrics, OB-GYN, medicine and surgery for third-year medical students. In addition, rising fourth-year […]
Category: GUMC Stories
Golden Apple Awards 2020: A Celebration of Our GUSOM Community
(May 18, 2020) — Georgetown University School of Medicine faculty, students and staff were honored virtually for this year’s annual Golden Apple Awards. Golden Apple Awards The Golden Apple Award is presented annually by each class to a member of the faculty whose outstanding professional and personal qualities have enhanced the medical education of the […]
Category: GUMC Stories
Medical Student Presentations Cap Health Justice Week Events
(April 18, 2020) — Georgetown University School of Medicine students in the Health Justice Scholar (HJS) Track celebrated Health Justice Week 2020 from April 6 to 8 with events — held virtually this year — designed to uphold the program’s mission to empower student physicians to be advocates for health justice. The HJS Track is […]
Category: GUMC Stories
New Master’s Program Explores Societal Influences on Health
(February 26, 2020) — Medicine today is said to be “evidence-based” — practiced on the basis of cumulative clinical studies. But for the physicians and researchers involved in launching the newest master’s degree program at Georgetown University, medical evidence isn’t enough. “Evidence needs to encompass the perspectives of other fields, not just medicine,” says Adriane […]
Category: GUMC Stories
Empowering Future Generations of Diverse Physicians
(February 2, 2020) — With a background in higher education, personal experience as a first-generation college student, and extensive work with student populations from diverse backgrounds, Isela Melendez-Carpio, M.Ed., is eager to bring her expertise and passion to the School of Medicine’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI). Melendez-Carpio started her new role as the […]
Category: GUMC Stories
GUMC Events Keep Martin Luther King Jr.’s Message Alive
(January 31, 2020) — The words and examples of Martin Luther King Jr. came alive again in the GUMC community through several events held on the campus in the days before and after the January 20 holiday. Among the events organized by the School of Medicine, including the Office of Diversity & Inclusion, were a […]
Category: GUMC Stories
You Are What You Eat: Students Drive New Elective in Culinary Medicine
(October 14, 2019) — A recent survey of 24 studies around the world found that nutrition is not well incorporated into the medical school curriculum. According to researchers, “Despite the centrality of nutrition to healthy lifestyle, medical students are not supported to provide high-quality, effective nutrition care.” However, some medical schools are determined to change […]
Category: GUMC Stories
ARCHES, GEP Participants Present Research Projects
(August 16, 2019) — After spending their summer learning about careers in medicine, participants in two pipeline programs run by the School of Medicine Office of Diversity and Inclusion presented their capstone projects, including tobacco use in young adults, social isolation in stem cell transplant patients, mental health disparities and more. United by their interest […]
Category: GUMC Stories
School of Medicine Class of 2023 Takes First Step in Medical Career
(August 4, 2019) — In front of loved ones and friends who made up a standing room-only crowd in Gaston Hall, the Georgetown University School of Medicine Class of 2023 took its first step toward joining the medical profession by donning their white coats, collecting their stethoscopes and reciting the Hippocratic Oath. The 203 classmates […]
Category: GUMC Stories