All Posts: GUMC Stories
GWIM Announces New Portrait for 'Women on the Walls'
Georgetown Women in Medicine leadership announced that the late Estelle Ramey, PhD, will be the subject of the first portrait commissioned as part of its Women on the Walls campaign, which seeks to increase the number of women depicted on the walls of Georgetown University Medical Center.
Category: GUMC Stories
Beloved Department of Medicine Faculty Member Receives Endowed Professorship
Friends, family and colleagues of Charles A. “Chip” Read, MD, FCCP (M’86, R’88, W’91) celebrated his investiture as the inaugural holder of the Allan J. Goody, MD Endowed Professorship in Medical Education.
Category: GUMC Stories
Doctors Speak Out Panelists on the Progress and Promise of Huntington’s Disease Research
A recent Doctors Speak Out event highlighted the progress scientists have made toward understanding Huntington’s disease, the promise of recent research developments, and the contributions of the Georgetown Huntington’s Disease Care, Education and Research Center (HDCERC).
Category: GUMC Stories
Celebrating the Achievements of Medical Center Postdoctoral Fellows
National Postdoc Appreciation Week recognizes the efforts of postdoctoral fellows, including their scholarship, teaching, mentorship and many other responsibilities. At Georgetown University Medical Center, the Georgetown University Postdoctoral Association provides community and support for dozens of postdoctoral fellows.
Category: GUMC Stories
One Step Closer to Medical School
The One Step Ahead Mentoring program connects pre-med students in the Biomedical Graduate Education programs with current medical students for peer-mentoring in preparation for applying to medical school.
Category: GUMC Stories
Training Programs Emphasize Mentoring for Biomedical Graduate Students
For decades, the tumor biology and neural injury and plasticity programs at Georgetown University Medical Center have educated the next generation of biomedical researchers. Both programs focus on mentoring students to help them achieve their goals.
Category: GUMC Stories
Medical Students Examine Solutions to a Deadly Epidemic
After taking a selectives course on the opioids epidemic, Georgetown University School of Medicine students feel empowered to use interventions and treatment techniques to combat an issue that has affected millions of Americans.
Category: GUMC Stories
Georgetown Expert: Smithsonian’s “Outbreak” Exhibit Should Inspire Hope, Not Fear
An epidemic of curiosity is spreading about a new Smithsonian exhibit, “Outbreak: Epidemics in a Connected World,” that is the brainchild of Georgetown’s Daniel Lucey, MD, MPH. “It really brings the material we learn about in the classroom to life,” observed NHS student and Global Health fellow Sara Rotenberg (NHS’20).
Category: GUMC Stories
Students Embody ‘Cura Personalis’ Through Random Acts of Kindness
Members of the Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Club at the Georgetown University School of Medicine seek to cheer up their classmates and help create an environment that’s conducive to well-being and academic success.
Category: GUMC Stories
NHS Grad Thanks Faculty for Teaching Her to Deliver a Breech Baby with Confidence
The training that Veniese Lawrence (G’17), MS, CNM, received in Georgetown’s Nurse Midwifery/Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner program gave her the skills to deliver a patient’s breech baby without surgery.
Category: GUMC Stories