All Posts: GUMC Stories
Georgetown Expert: Smithsonian’s “Outbreak” Exhibit Should Inspire Hope, Not Fear
An epidemic of curiosity is spreading about a new Smithsonian exhibit, “Outbreak: Epidemics in a Connected World,” that is the brainchild of Georgetown’s Daniel Lucey, MD, MPH. “It really brings the material we learn about in the classroom to life,” observed NHS student and Global Health fellow Sara Rotenberg (NHS’20).
Category: GUMC Stories
Students Embody ‘Cura Personalis’ Through Random Acts of Kindness
Members of the Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Club at the Georgetown University School of Medicine seek to cheer up their classmates and help create an environment that’s conducive to well-being and academic success.
Category: GUMC Stories
NHS Grad Thanks Faculty for Teaching Her to Deliver a Breech Baby with Confidence
The training that Veniese Lawrence (G’17), MS, CNM, received in Georgetown’s Nurse Midwifery/Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner program gave her the skills to deliver a patient’s breech baby without surgery.
Category: GUMC Stories
Compassionate Care by Students For Students
Georgetown Emergency Response Medical Service (GERMS) is on-call on the Georgetown University campus and surrounding streets as one of the largest all-volunteer, student-run, university-based emergency ambulance services in the country.
Category: GUMC Stories
First Generation Medical Students Bond Over Common Journeys and Fears
Feeling validated and supported are among the things first-generation students want most, and a new organization at Georgetown University School of Medicine is helping them achieve both through fellowship and mentorship and by celebrating one another’s achievements across challenging journeys in medical school.
Category: GUMC Stories
Lawrence Livermore Offers Hoyas World-Class Research Experience Far Beyond Georgetown’s Gates
Since 2011, a partnership between Georgetown University and the California-based Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has given biotechnology students the opportunity to intern in Lawrence Livermore’s renowned laboratories.
Category: GUMC Stories
Second-year Medical Students Welcome Class of 2022 with Mentorship Programs and Ongoing Support
There are several ways that students at Georgetown University School of Medicine can seek out mentorship and support from other students that can help them successfully weather the challenges of medical school.
Category: GUMC Stories
Georgetown Lombardi Summer Program Cultivates Young Scientists
High school and college students participating in the Summer Research Volunteer Program at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center gained valuable insights about the process of scientific discovery and the biology of cancer.
Category: GUMC Stories
'Magical' School of Medicine Class of 2022 Celebrates at the White Coat Ceremony
Members of the School of Medicine Class of 2022 participated in their White Coat Ceremony on August 3, officially joining the profession of medicine.
Category: GUMC Stories
High School GEP Scholars Devote Summer to Exploring Health Disparities
Participants in this year’s Gateway Exploration Program, an opportunity for local high school students to explore the medical profession, delivered their capstone health disparities presentations.
Category: GUMC Stories