All Posts: GUMC Stories
The White House Honors GUMC Professor for Climate-Related Health Work
The White House honored Laura Anderko, PhD, RN, the Robert and Kathleen Scanlon Chair in Values Based Health Care at NHS, as a Champion of Change for her leadership in raising awareness about climate-
Category: GUMC Stories
Scientific Method on Display at Student Research Day
Student Research Day 2013 was held July 10, giving graduate students a forum to showcase their research pursuits. This year, students presented 27 posters in the Preclinical Sciences Building, interac
Category: GUMC Stories
GUMC’s Kathleen Maguire-Zeiss Mentors Parkinson’s Disease Summer Fellow
Connor Davenport is only a senior at Georgetown University but already the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation has an eye on him. The organization hopes to encourage Davenport to join the ranks of academic
Category: GUMC Stories
Georgetown Med Students Provide Camp for D.C. Homeless Children
JULY 29, 2013 — Homeless children from Washington, D.C., are being treated to a sports camp this week at RFK stadium, thanks to the inspiration of a Georgetown medical student. Paul Elsbernd, a rising
Category: GUMC Stories
NHS Faculty, Student Examine Health Literacy to Prevent Hospital Readmission
Improving the health literacy of patients may help reduce hospital readmissions, according to new article by two faculty members and a student at the School of Nursing & Health Studies. Patricia Cloon
Category: GUMC Stories
Center for Translational Transplant Medicine Researchers Awarded Prestigious Grant
The Roche Organ Transplantation Research Foundation (ROTRF) has awarded an international research grant to Thomas Fishbein, MD, executive director of the Center for Translational Transplant Medicine a
Category: GUMC Stories
Beth Peshkin: The “Brave New World” of Genetic Counseling
Beth Peshkin began her career while watching a TV show on the “Elephant Man” — the Englishman who became well known in London in the late 1800s because of his severely deformed, tumorous head and body
Category: GUMC Stories
Cloaked in White: New Medical Students Carry 'Cura Personalis' Torch
It’s a time-honored tradition -- one in which new medical students first don the white coat that is emblematic of their chosen profession. On Aug. 9, the 197 members of Georgetown University School o
Category: GUMC Stories
Georgetown Alumnus Honored for Work with Disadvantaged Students
Georgetown alumnus Adeeb Barqawi has been named Teacher of the Year by the Texas Alternative Certification Association, one of three teachers selected for the 2012-2013 school year. Barqawi gradu
Category: GUMC Stories
DC Food Trucks to Visit Medical Center During Food Court Renovations
During the ongoing Hoya Court renovations in the Leavey Center, DC-area food trucks will be on the campus of Georgetown University Medical Center to satisfy hunger pangs. The food trucks are scheduled
Category: GUMC Stories