All Posts: GUMC Stories
'Magical' School of Medicine Class of 2022 Celebrates at the White Coat Ceremony
Members of the School of Medicine Class of 2022 participated in their White Coat Ceremony on August 3, officially joining the profession of medicine.
Category: GUMC Stories
High School GEP Scholars Devote Summer to Exploring Health Disparities
Participants in this year’s Gateway Exploration Program, an opportunity for local high school students to explore the medical profession, delivered their capstone health disparities presentations.
Category: GUMC Stories
Knowlan Prepares to Inspire Class of 2022 at the White Coat Ceremony
For more than 15 years, Donald Knowlan, MD, Georgetown University School of Medicine professor emeritus, has welcomed first-year medical students by presenting the Edmund Pellegrino Professionalism Lecture at their White Coat Ceremony.
Category: GUMC Stories
Georgetown Lombardi Trainees Give Presentations at Research Poster Day
Organized by the T32 Oversight Committee, Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center hosted a poster day to showcase the work of its trainees, who include master’s students, postdoctoral fellows and others in advanced training.
Category: GUMC Stories
HoyaMed Summer Sports Camp Continues Its Run
For the sixth year in a row, Georgetown School of Medicine students hosted homeless children living in the DC General Family Shelter for HoyaMed Summer Sports, a full week of games and sports activities.
Category: GUMC Stories
Liver Cancer Deaths Rise, Along with Hope for Better Treatments
Nationwide and locally in D.C., deaths from liver cancer have significantly risen over the past 16 years. Despite this grim news, Aiwu Ruth He, MD, PhD, an associate professor at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, sees hope for meaningful progress in liver cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Category: GUMC Stories
Pre-Med Pipeline Program Infuses Students with Cura Personalis
The 2018 ARCHES fellows spent the summer engaged in shadowing, research, and service learning, to help them confront health disparities and inequity when they become health professionals.
Category: GUMC Stories
Georgetown Neuroscience Student Networks with Nobel Laureates at Annual Meeting
Patrick Malone, a student in the MD/PhD program (G’19, M’21), was one of 29 students from the United States selected to attend the 68th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau, Germany, which hosted 39 Nobel laureates and 600 young scientists from 84 countries.
Category: GUMC Stories
Georgetown Physician 'On Call' to Assess Separated Immigrant Children
The long-lasting impacts of the acute stress and trauma being experienced by children separated at the U.S. border is “absolutely terrifying,” a Georgetown expert in childhood development, trauma, and resilience says.
Category: GUMC Stories
Toretsky Looks to 'Outsmart Cancer Cells' with Help From Hyundai Hope on Wheels Award
Childhood cancer survivors, Georgetown Lombardi oncologists and representatives from Hyundai Motor America all gathered on a sunny day outside of the Medical-Dental Building to celebrate Jeffrey Toretsky, MD, as the recipient of the $100,000 Hyundai Hope On Wheels award.
Category: GUMC Stories