All Posts: GUMC Stories
Georgetown Lombardi Director, Deputy Director Assume NIH Advisory Posts
The director and deputy director of Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, part of Georgetown University Medical Center, have each been named to high-level scientific advisory posts within t
Category: GUMC Stories
School of Medicine Alumna Honored as ‘Angel in Adoption’
A graduate of Georgetown University School of Medicine who has devoted herself to caring for children in need has been selected as an Angel in Adoption awardee by Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.). Kate
Category: GUMC Stories
Ruesch Symposium to Explore Molecular Profiling in Cancer Care
The potential of precision medicine based on an individual’s molecular makeup is vast, but the road to bring this into common practice still has many obstacles. To explore these issues, the Ruesch Cen
Category: GUMC Stories
Nursing Students, Faculty Participate in Annual Flu Clinic
Students and faculty in the Department of Nursing at the School of Nursing & Health Studies are again helping out with Georgetown’s seasonal flu clinic – co-sponsored annually by the Student Health Ce
Category: GUMC Stories
Georgetown Hosts Final Stop of ‘Tour 4 Diversity’
he Tour for Diversity in Medicine group made its final stop at Georgetown University School of Medicine on September 28, with the goal of introducing the study and practice of medicine to minority stu
Category: GUMC Stories
Georgetown Expert Tapped to Advise Federal Board on Chemical Agents and Public Health
Milton L. Brown, MD, PhD, an associate professor of oncology at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, has been appointed by U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius to
Category: GUMC Stories
Fourth-year Medical Students ‘Speed Date’ to Hone Interviewing Sk
The interview. It is one of the most important determinants in the selection of applicants by residency programs, and yet many students may feel anxious or unprepared. In order to alleviate some of th
Category: GUMC Stories
Symposium Drives Connections Between Big Data and Precision Medicine
Sister Grace Miriam Usala (M’16) sits squarely at the intersection of two related –- but still somewhat disconnected –- fields. A medical student at Georgetown University School of Medicine, Usala is
Category: GUMC Stories
State Department Grant Funds Bioethics Program Development
A professor at the School of Nursing & Health Studies has received a federal grant to develop bioethics certificate programs in Tunisia and Yemen. Irene Jillson, PhD, assistant professor in the Depart
Category: GUMC Stories
Partners in Research Program Announces Newest Grantees
Partners in Research, a group of community members who are passionate about advancing biomedical research at Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC), has announced the proposals that will be award
Category: GUMC Stories