All Posts: GUMC Stories

  • Genetics Aside, a Family in Every Sense of the Term

    Some of his 20 charges likely view him as a bit of a surrogate parent, others may see him as a mentor. But Kenneth Dretchen, PhD, would be happy to be known simply as the go-to guy to whom new medical

    Category: GUMC Stories

  • Learning the Language of Medicine to Come

    As Abhishek Pandey (M’14) recalls, it was as if, while studying in Spain, “you were told to go study in Russia for a year — and speak the language.” That’s how this fourth-year Georgetown University S

    Category: GUMC Stories

  • Lessons from 1,000 Year-old Medicine

    Physicians searching for state-of-the-art treatments for their patients reach for their smart phones, tablets and computers to search databases of recent clinical trials and evidence-based medicine. T

    Category: GUMC Stories

  • Embracing the “Angelina Jolie Effect”

    Celebrities are, well, celebrated in American culture, and when they talk about cancer prevention, people respond. Such a reaction has been called the “effect” as in the “Katie Couric Effect,” after t

    Category: GUMC Stories

  • A Modern Day Virus Hunter

    The plotline seems worthy of a blockbuster flick like Outbreak or Contagion. A slowly emerging infection gathers steam in Saudi Arabia, killing 60 percent of those who come in contact with it. Cases s

    Category: GUMC Stories

  • Solving the Mystery of Gulf War illness

    For more than two decades, Ronald Brown has been trying to tell his story — one that likely mirrors the experience of as many as 250,000 veterans of Operation Desert Storm, the 1990-1991 Gulf War. Bro

    Category: GUMC Stories

  • Edmund D. Pellegrino 1920-2013

    One of the most prominent founders of the field of bioethics and a longtime professor and professor emeritus at Georgetown passed away June 13 at the age of 92. Dr. Edmund D. Pellegrino, who would ha

    Category: GUMC Stories

  • Questioning Assumptions about Dyslexia

    Guinevere Eden, PhD, learns a lot about dyslexia by proving what it isn’t. Two recent studies she led challenge popular notions about the reading disorder, underscoring the complexity of what is belie

    Category: GUMC Stories

  • UV Abuse as an Addictive Habit

    Darren Mays hesitates and laughs, a bit sheepishly, in admitting that he has partaken in the addictive behavior he is now set to study. No, it’s not drug or alcohol or tobacco use — subjects that he s

    Category: GUMC Stories

  • A Profound Commitment to Students

    There is a reason why Aykut Üren, MD, has won a teaching award every year since 2008, the year after he began teaching gross anatomy to first-year medical students at the Georgetown School of Medicine

    Category: GUMC Stories