All Posts: GUMC Stories
Genetics Aside, a Family in Every Sense of the Term
Some of his 20 charges likely view him as a bit of a surrogate parent, others may see him as a mentor. But Kenneth Dretchen, PhD, would be happy to be known simply as the go-to guy to whom new medical
Category: GUMC Stories
Learning the Language of Medicine to Come
As Abhishek Pandey (M’14) recalls, it was as if, while studying in Spain, “you were told to go study in Russia for a year — and speak the language.” That’s how this fourth-year Georgetown University S
Category: GUMC Stories
Lessons from 1,000 Year-old Medicine
Physicians searching for state-of-the-art treatments for their patients reach for their smart phones, tablets and computers to search databases of recent clinical trials and evidence-based medicine. T
Category: GUMC Stories
Embracing the “Angelina Jolie Effect”
Celebrities are, well, celebrated in American culture, and when they talk about cancer prevention, people respond. Such a reaction has been called the “effect” as in the “Katie Couric Effect,” after t
Category: GUMC Stories
A Modern Day Virus Hunter
The plotline seems worthy of a blockbuster flick like Outbreak or Contagion. A slowly emerging infection gathers steam in Saudi Arabia, killing 60 percent of those who come in contact with it. Cases s
Category: GUMC Stories
Solving the Mystery of Gulf War illness
For more than two decades, Ronald Brown has been trying to tell his story — one that likely mirrors the experience of as many as 250,000 veterans of Operation Desert Storm, the 1990-1991 Gulf War. Bro
Category: GUMC Stories
Edmund D. Pellegrino 1920-2013
One of the most prominent founders of the field of bioethics and a longtime professor and professor emeritus at Georgetown passed away June 13 at the age of 92. Dr. Edmund D. Pellegrino, who would ha
Category: GUMC Stories
Questioning Assumptions about Dyslexia
Guinevere Eden, PhD, learns a lot about dyslexia by proving what it isn’t. Two recent studies she led challenge popular notions about the reading disorder, underscoring the complexity of what is belie
Category: GUMC Stories
UV Abuse as an Addictive Habit
Darren Mays hesitates and laughs, a bit sheepishly, in admitting that he has partaken in the addictive behavior he is now set to study. No, it’s not drug or alcohol or tobacco use — subjects that he s
Category: GUMC Stories
A Profound Commitment to Students
There is a reason why Aykut Üren, MD, has won a teaching award every year since 2008, the year after he began teaching gross anatomy to first-year medical students at the Georgetown School of Medicine
Category: GUMC Stories