All Posts: GUMC Stories
Georgetown Lombardi Breast Cancer Expert to Lead ASCO
Sandra “Sandy” M. Swain, M.D., a member of Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center and a professor of medicine at Georgetown University Medical Center, assumed the presidency of the American S
Category: GUMC Stories
Men Gather Together to Fight Prostate Cancer
The Men’s Event drew leading business men of Washington, DC, together for an evening of education and awareness-building around prostate cancer research and care. The 13th annual event took place June
Category: GUMC Stories
Ex-NFL Player Widowed by Cancer Tours Lombardi
A radiant, smiling picture of former NFL linebacker Chris Draft’s wife Keasha was never far from sight as he toured Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center on June 21. As Draft walked through
Category: GUMC Stories
Research Day Showcases PhD Students
“Practice talking about your research as much as possible to a wide range of individuals-- scientists in and outside of your field as well as non-scientists.” That’s the advice Tanya Evans, a 6th year
Category: GUMC Stories
Service-Learning: A Course Benefiting Students and Faculty Team Leaders
In 1995, the School of Medicine developed and implemented a program of service-learning to provide medical and nursing students with the knowledge and skills to advance community health priorities. No
Category: GUMC Stories
The White Coat Ceremony and the Making of a Doctor
“Something is going to happen here that’s magical.” With those words, Stephen Ray Mitchell, M.D., dean for medical education at Georgetown University School of Medicine, welcomed a standing-room only
Category: GUMC Stories
Itzhak Brook to Give Medical Ethics Lecture at American Academy of Otolaryngology Meeting
Itzhak Brook, M.D., M.Sc., will deliver the John Conley, M.D. Lecture on Medical Ethics at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surge
Category: GUMC Stories
Georgetown Launches New Course in Regulatory Science
Georgetown University’s Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation, a joint effort between the university and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is offering its first graduate
Category: GUMC Stories
Victoria Shanmugam: Investigator receives $1.9M NIH Grant to Study Wound Healing
The National Institutes of Health has awarded an R01 grant in the amount of $1.9 million over five years to Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC) in support of Victoria Shanmugam, M.D., assistan
Category: GUMC Stories
GUMC Microbiologist Organizes Preeminent International Meeting on Hepatitis B
“Substantial advances” in hepatitis B research were presented at the 28th Annual International Meeting on the Molecular Biology of Hepatitis B Viruses, says John L. Casey, Ph.D., associate professor i
Category: GUMC Stories