All Posts: GUMC Stories
Students Honor Instructors at Annual Celebration
Medical students dressed in satin cocktail dresses and suits and ties graced Copley Hall on Friday, March 23, 2012 for this year’s String of Pearls celebration. The event , coordinated by the third ye
Category: GUMC Stories
Medical Students Advocate for Nutrition Education
Recently, a cadre of short white coats went to Capitol Hill to support a proposed nutrition education amendment to the National School Lunch Act. These Georgetown medical students also want to help me
Category: GUMC Stories
Georgetown Lombardi Team Races To End Colon Cancer
Team Georgetown Lombardi joined over 3,500 walkers and runners for the 7th Annual Scope it Out 5K run/walk for colon cancer awareness recently. Despite the chilly weather, the event, organized by the
Category: GUMC Stories
SOM Recognizes Faculty with Golden Apple Awards
“Welcome to the Village,” said Stephen Ray Mitchell, M.D., dean for medical education at the Georgetown University School of Medicine, “and welcome to the 34th Annual Golden Apple Awards, wonderfully
Category: GUMC Stories
Georgetown Lombardi Infusion Center Displays “Ribbon of Joy”
Local artist Jo Fleming took the ribbon concept and transformed it into “Ribbon of Joy,” a 39-foot-long modular painting that was installed in early April at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer C
Category: GUMC Stories
One Goal – Find a Cure for Breast Cancer
The Georgetown Lombardi-Capital Breast Care Center Team members donned their t-shirts, double knotted their sneakers, and joined 2,200-plus supporters for the Tenth Annual Avon Walk for Breast Cancer
Category: GUMC Stories
NHS Alumna Earns John Carroll Award
Colleen Scanlon (NHS’76, H’00), J.D., RN, senior vice president for advocacy at Catholic Health Initiatives, received the award at the 2012 John Carroll Weekend. Hosted in Chicago, the Windy City carr
Category: GUMC Stories
Madam Minister
Ten years ago in Afghanistan, a woman died every 30 minutes in childbirth. That rate has dramatically improved to every two hours still shockingly high. Also a decade ago, the life expectancy of adul
Category: GUMC Stories
Laissez les Bon Temps Roulez – 2012 Founders’ Day Awards
Georgetown University School of Medicine hosted the eleventh annual Founders’ Day Celebration, an evening of fundraising to benefit the Dean’s Leadership Scholarship Endowment Fund. Under the leaders
Category: GUMC Stories
In Spring, Science Is in Bloom at GUMC
It started in early March with the Fourteenth Annual Lombardi Research Days. Students doing research in cancer get a chance to present their findings and gain recognition for their work. Then on Marc
Category: GUMC Stories