All Posts: medical education
Global Collaboration Results in New Open Online Course on Urban Health
Category: GUMC Stories
Golden Apple Awards 2021: Celebrating the GUSOM Community
(May 25, 2021) — The recipients of this year’s Golden Apple Awards were honored in an upbeat virtual ceremony presented by Georgetown University School of Medicine students. View the full awards ceremony video. Congratulations to the 2021 Golden Apple Honorees Golden Apple Awards The Golden Apple Award is presented annually by each class to a […]
Category: GUMC Stories
At MedStar-Georgetown Symposium, Jones Discusses Taking Excellence in Medical Education to the Next Level
(May 14, 2021) — Declaring that “uncertainty has been the only certainty” during the past year, Leon “Lee” Jones, MD, the new dean for medical education at Georgetown University School of Medicine, sees the COVID-19 pandemic as an important pivot point in his career. “One of my favorite sayings is ‘never waste a good crisis,’ […]
Category: GUMC Stories
At ‘I, Too, Am Georgetown Medicine,’ Participants Urged to ‘Find the People Who Lift You Up’
(April 9, 2021) — Find mentors who believe in you and will encourage you to go far. Create safe spaces to celebrate your gifts and help you find resiliency. That was some of the advice attendees heard during the fifth annual “I, Too, Am Georgetown Medicine” event, an opportunity for medical students to discuss mentorship, […]
Category: GUMC Stories
Georgetown University Selects Nationally Recognized Educator to Lead Its Medical School
WASHINGTON (March 30, 2021) — Today, Georgetown University announced the selection of Leon “Lee” Jones, MD, as the new Dean for Medical Education at Georgetown University School of Medicine. Jones currently serves as Associate Dean for Students and Health Sciences Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) School of Medicine. […]
Category: News Release
Meet Leon ‘Lee’ Jones, Georgetown’s New Dean for Medical Education
(March 30, 2021) — From a young age, Leon “Lee” Jones, MD, was drawn to a career in medicine borne out of two traits: a love for science and a deep curiosity about people. Now, as the newly appointed dean for medical education at Georgetown’s School of Medicine, he will have the opportunity to nurture […]
Categories: GUMC Stories, Special Stories
NHS Professor Develops New Course on Social Determinants of COVID-19
Category: GUMC Stories
Medical Humanities Minor Launched by University
Category: GUMC Stories
Nursing Chair Co-Edits Second Edition of Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Textbook
Category: GUMC Stories
School of Medicine Class of 2021 Comes Together for Virtual Match Day Celebration
(March 20, 2021) — Before opening their electronic envelopes to learn where they will continue their medical education as residents, the School of Medicine Class of 2021 gathered for a virtual Match Day celebration on Facebook in recognition of their achievements to date and anticipation of what comes next. “Regardless of where you go, you […]
Category: GUMC Stories