All Posts: GUMC Stories
Partners in Research: Community Support for Local Research with a Global Impact
In October, Georgetown researchers were awarded grants by Partners in Research to study depression, autism, pancreatic cancer and preeclampsia. At the recent Partners in Research Showcase, the grant recipients shared with their initial findings with the funders.
Category: GUMC Stories
New Master’s Degree Focuses on Clinical Quality, Patient Safety and Leadership
A new master’s degree at Georgetown will teach health care professionals how to enhance safety and improve health care quality while maintaining a focus on the patient in a increasingly complex heath care system.
Category: GUMC Stories
Immunotherapy Brings New Hope to Patients with Advanced Melanoma
Until recently, patients with melanomas that had spread to the brain typically lived a median of four months. After having surgery to repair the damage from the tumors in her ankle, Kathy Roberts’ doctors encouraged her to enroll in an immunotherapy clinical trial for patients with melanoma brain tumors at Georgetown Lombardi. Her scans now show no signs of cancer cells.
Category: GUMC Stories
In Commencement Speech, Shelton Tells NHS Graduates to Write Their Own Stories
By paying attention to our stories, and who is creating them, the better we can choose ones that will help us succeed, said James Shelton, MBA, MA, during the May 20 ceremony on the Healy Lawn.
Category: GUMC Stories
Ready to Serve: Medical Students Take Oath to Serve US Military
During the May 20th ceremony, Georgetown University School of Medicine students who had received their medical training through the Health Professionals Scholarship Program (HPSP) took their medical oaths and received promotions.
Category: GUMC Stories
School of Medicine Commencement Ceremony Celebrates ‘A Class of Significant Leadership’
At their white coat ceremony in August 2013, 193 first-year medical students at Georgetown University School of Medicine read the Hippocratic Oath together for the first time. At the School of Medicine’s 165th commencement ceremony nearly four years later, the graduating medical students read the oath together one last time.
Category: GUMC Stories
Warwick Evans Awards Ceremony Honors the Most Exceptional Members of the Class of 2017
Faculty members, friends and family gathered to celebrate the accomplishments of the Georgetown University School of Medicine Class of 2017 at the Warwick Evans Awards Ceremony in Gaston Hall – the same location where the students received their white coats four years earlier.
Category: GUMC Stories
BGE Graduates Receive Their Diplomas, And a Challenge to “Never Stop Learning”
After participating in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences commencement ceremony, nearly 400 Biomedical Graduate Education students filed into the bright and airy McDonough Gymnasium for their diploma distribution ceremony on Friday, greeted by their clapping and cheering friends and family members.
Category: GUMC Stories
Martin, Pahira Welcomed as Newest Members of MAGIS Society
At the 15th annual MAGIS Society of Master Teachers induction ceremony, Mary Beth Martin, PhD, professor of oncology, and biochemistry and molecular & cellular biology, and John Pahira, MD, professor of urology, were welcomed as the newest members of the society, which honors physicians and biomedical scientists dedicated to the care of others and the health needs of our society.
Category: GUMC Stories
MAGIS Induction Ceremony Celebrates Excellence in Education
While most commencement week activities at Georgetown celebrate students’ achievements, the 15th annual MAGIS Society of Master Teachers induction ceremony recognized the accomplishments of faculty members, including the society’s two newest members.
Category: GUMC Stories