All Posts: Match Day
Match Day 2025 at the School of Medicine: By the Numbers
Match Day at GUSOM is always memorable. Here are some noteworthy facts about this year’s event.
Category: GUMC Stories
Success at the End of Adversity: A Match Day Reapplicant Story
In 2023, Sarah Lucas (M’24) didn’t match with a residency program. Now a first-year resident in orthopedic surgery at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, Lucas looks back on that Match Week as divine intervention.
Category: GUMC Stories
The School of Medicine Class that Started Virtually Relishes In-Person Match Day Celebration
Tears of joy and screams of excitement filled the air at Georgetown’s annual Match Day celebration, as graduating medical students learned where their journeys would take them next for residency training in a tradition that plays out at medical schools on the same day across the country.
Category: GUMC Stories
Students Matching in Family Medicine Called by Cura Personalis and Commitment to Community
Surrounded by fireplaces, family and flowers, School of Medicine students mingled with anticipation in the Healey Family Student Center just before opening their match letters revealing the next destination in their training.
Category: GUMC Stories
Match Day 2022: By the Numbers
Applicants participating in the Main Residency Match according to the National Resident Matching Program: 42,549 Available positions in the match: 39,205 (largest on record) Available first-year (PGY-1) positions: 36,277 (largest on record — 3.1% increase over 2021) Increase in number of programs offering PGY-1 positions: 177 Most popular specialties among Georgetown students: Internal medicine: 32 […]
Category: Special Stories
Match Day 2022: ‘What a Phenomenal Day’
(March 19, 2022) — Members of the School of Medicine’s Class of 2022, surrounded by family, friends, faculty and staff who supported their dreams to become doctors, gathered for the annual Match Day celebration to learn together where each soon-to-be doctor would go for their residency — the training that follows medical school graduation. The […]
Category: GUMC Stories
School of Medicine Class of 2021 Comes Together for Virtual Match Day Celebration
(March 20, 2021) — Before opening their electronic envelopes to learn where they will continue their medical education as residents, the School of Medicine Class of 2021 gathered for a virtual Match Day celebration on Facebook in recognition of their achievements to date and anticipation of what comes next. “Regardless of where you go, you […]
Category: GUMC Stories
A Match Day Like No Other
(March 27, 2020) — Match Day. It is one of the most highly anticipated days in a medical student’s life. For most, it is a day filled with excitement and butterflies; a day shared with classmates, faculty, family and friends; a day when students are awaiting the exact second when they learn where their journey […]
Category: GUMC Stories
School of Medicine Match Day 2019: By The Numbers
(March 17, 2019) — Sunshine poured through the windows of the Healey Family Student Center on an unseasonably warm March day as members of the School of Medicine Class of 2019 waited alongside friends and family members to learn where their nascent medical careers would take them. “I’m not going to try to tell you […]
Category: GUMC Stories
NHS Alumni at the School of Medicine Celebrate Match Day
(March 16, 2019) — On Match Day 2019, Nadeen Hussain (NHS’15, M’19) learned that she matched with the internal medicine residency program at Yale-New Haven Hospital. MaryJo Kramer (NHS’14, M’19) got into the anesthesiology residency program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. Victor Wang (NHS’15, M’19) matched with the neurology residency program at Thomas […]
Category: GUMC Stories