All Posts: cancer research
Study Tests New Breast Cancer Drug in African American Women
WASHINGTON — The first clinical trial to test a newly approved breast cancer drug specifically in African American patients is now enrolling patients at six institutions in Washington, DC, Maryland, Alabama and New Jersey.
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In Mice, Daughters of Overweight Dads Have Altered Breast Tissue, Higher Cancer Risk
WASHINGTON — Obese male mice and normal weight female mice produce female pups that are overweight at birth through childhood, and have delayed development of their breast tissue as well as increased rates of breast cancer.
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10-Minute Urine Test Can Measure Specific Compounds from Food Consumed
Researchers at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center in Washington, DC, have developed a method that can quickly evaluate specific food compounds in human urine. They say their method could one day replace unreliable food logs used in population studies examining the effects of diet on cancer and will also help scientists accurately identify the most beneficial anticancer foods.
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Precision Medicine Pioneer Pursues New Cancer Treatments
Giuseppe Giaccone, MD, PhD, recognizes the promise of precision medicine, but he feels it is important to understand its limitations as well as celebrating its future benefits.
Category: GUMC Stories
Finding Liver Cancer Early and Reversing Its Course
Liver cancer is often lethal in humans because it is diagnosed in late stages, but new work in animal models has identified a potential diagnostic biomarker of the disease and a potential way to reverse the damage done.
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Mechanistic Insight into Immortal Cells Could Speed Clinical Use
WASHINGTON — The mechanistic understanding of the relatively new technique for growing cells in culture indefinitely – known as conditional reprogramming – has been deciphered and reported in the February 25th issue of PLOS ONE. Researchers at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center say identifying the mechanisms of immortalization lays the groundwork for future clinical use of these cells.
Category: News Release
Center for Cellular Reprogramming Created To Drive Laboratory Breakthrough
Georgetown University Medical Center announces the launch of the Center for Cellular Reprogramming, a global center of excellence whose mission is to promote intra- and extramural collaborations, education and development, centered around the use of stem-like cells.
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HPV News Provides a Shot in the Arm
(July 10, 2013) — June 19 was a very good day for Richard Schlegel, MD, PhD, a pathologist at Georgetown University Medical Center who is known worldwide as a co-inventor of the technology behind the
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New Center Serves as Research Hub
(March 20, 2013) — It quickly became known as the “Georgetown method.” A revolutionary way of growing both tumor and normal cells in order to one day truly personalize therapy has drawn scientists fr
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Keeping Cells Alive in the Lab
(January 19, 2012) — There is a lot of talk about personalized cancer treatment in medicine these days. One idea is to subject a tumor to different therapies to find the cocktail of drugs that will w
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