All Posts: GUMC Stories
Georgetown Applying Patented Technology to Develop Fast and Accurate COVID-19 Test
(August 6, 2020) — After studying the results of a myriad of diagnostic tests used around the world for the virus SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, Georgetown University Medical Center biochemist Mark Danielsen, PhD, thinks he has a solution for making a better test — one that can deliver faster results and be accurate. It’s a […]
Category: GUMC Stories
Following Family’s Dreams, ARCHES Alumna to Start at School of Medicine
(August 6, 2020) — Over 20 years ago, after immigrating to the United States from Pakistan, Rimsha Rana (M’24) and her family dreamed about her going to Georgetown University School of Medicine (GUSOM). On her father’s commute to and from work, he would pass Georgetown and pray, “Dear God, please give my children a chance […]
Category: GUMC Stories
Using Zoom, NHS Undergraduates Teach Health Literacy in Alaska Literacy Program
Category: GUMC Stories
Clinical Research Staff Rise to the Challenges Posed by Pandemic
(July 31, 2020) — Running clinical research can be complicated under normal circumstances but it’s especially arduous during a pandemic. Despite the difficulties, the clinical research teams at Georgetown have worked tirelessly, remotely and on campus, to continue supporting researchers and study participants. “Our team as a whole really stepped up to do this, and […]
Category: GUMC Stories
First-of-Its-Kind Clinical Trial at Georgetown Puts Mammography Technologies Under the Spotlight
Category: GUMC Stories
Georgetown Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice Program Director Named ‘Star Nurse’
Category: GUMC Stories
Get to Know Georgetown’s COVID-19 Researchers
Category: GUMC Stories
SOM Alumna Channels Cura Personalis Lessons to Psychiatric Care During Pandemic
Category: GUMC Stories
New Class of GEMS Embark on an Unforgettable Journey
(July 24, 2020) — As the only child of a single parent, Zach Boston became the primary caretaker for his mother after she was diagnosed with a chronic illness when he was 6 years old. Though she passed away when he was a teenager, his experience with his mother inspired Boston to become a physician. […]
Category: GUMC Stories
NHS Alumna, Now Texas Family Nurse Practitioner, Sees COVID-19’s Impact on Cardiac Care
Category: GUMC Stories