All Posts: GUMC Stories
Medical School Ceremony Honors Humanism and Professionalism
The School of Medicine celebrated the values of patient-centered medicine in the Jesuit tradition of cura personalis, which means “care of the whole person,” at the Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS) Induction Ceremony.
Category: GUMC Stories
International Collaboration Promotes Culture of Evidence in Teaching
Creating a culture of evidence-informed teaching—in which faculty learn to translate the best evidence in health professions education into best practices in the classroom—is the goal of a new initiative that is getting underway at Georgetown University Medical Center.
Category: GUMC Stories
Young Scientist Receives Boost to Explore Alzheimer’s Theory
Irfan Y. Tamboli, PhD, is a young neuroscience investigator with an intriguing theory of the origins of Alzheimer’s disease—getting at the fundamental question of why some people get it and others do not. A grant he received from last year’s Music for the Mind event will enable him to test his theory.
Category: GUMC Stories
As Health Care Evolves, Medical Students Seek Business Degrees
These days, being a great doctor can mean more than just honing one’s clinical skills and bedside manner. Health care, after all, is a multi-billion-dollar business, so playing a role in this business can also demand sharp business acumen.
Category: GUMC Stories
Interdisciplinary Team of Students Garners Recognition at Public Health Bowl
During National Public Health Week, a team of undergraduate students from the School of Nursing & Health Studies competed in Saint Louis University’s Public Health Scholar Bowl.
Category: GUMC Stories
AAKOMA Project Spotlights Mental Health Disparities in Minority Youth
When it comes to treating mental health, Alfiee M. Breland-Noble, PhD, MHSc, is a firm believer that race matters. She directs a project that aims to reduce mental health disparities for youth through community-based participatory research, faith-based mental health promotion and other methods such as focus groups and surveys.
Category: GUMC Stories
Nursing, Medical Students Train Side-by-Side in Emergency Scenarios
Medical and nursing students do not often have the opportunity to learn side-by-side at the patient’s bedside, but thanks to a unique pilot education project that emphasizes interprofessional education, Georgetown students were able to do just that.
Category: GUMC Stories
Student-driven Triathlon Benefits Hoya Clinic
Thirty-two competitors swam, biked and ran for a cause during the 14th annual IronMed Charity Triathlon, which raised more than $10,000 to benefit the Hoya Clinic. The triathlon and a 5K run were held on Georgetown’s campus April 6.
Category: GUMC Stories
White House Expert: Global Health is National Security Issue
Global health security must be elevated to a high priority around the world to successfully combat pandemics such as avian flu, White House national security expert Elizabeth Cameron, PhD, told a Georgetown audience at an April 9 symposium.
Category: GUMC Stories
Researchers Hope to Make Lung Cancer Screening a ‘Teachable Moment’
A Georgetown University Medical Center researcher is launching a study she hopes will provide an opportunity for health care providers to connect with long-term smokers by pairing smoking cessation counseling with lung cancer screening.
Category: GUMC Stories