All Posts: News Release
Georgetown University Medical Center Researchers Applaud Proposed NIH Funding
WASHINGTON – The proposed increase in funding for the National Institutes of Health in the 2016 federal spending bill is “a very encouraging” step towards restoring America’s priority for biomedical research and improved human health, says the leader of Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC). The House is expected to vote on the bill Thursday.
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Two GUMC Researchers Named National Academy of Inventors Fellows
WASHINGTON – The National Academy of Inventors (NAI) has named two Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC) professors to its 2015 class of Fellows — Milton L. Brown, MD, PhD, and Usha N. Kasid, PhD.
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Brain Wars of Star Wars: Fact or Fiction?
WASHINGTON – “Science fiction is often the driver of science fact.” So says Georgetown neuroethicist James Giordano, PhD, MPhil, when asked about one of the most popular science fiction movies, “Star Wars” and the seventh installment: “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”
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GUN VIOLENCE AND MENTAL ILLNESS: Georgetown Expert To Speak at Charleston Summit
MEDIA ADVISORY: Georgetown University forensic psychiatrist Liza Gold, MD, an expert on gun violence and mental illness, is an invited speaker at “Moving from Crisis to Action: A Public Health Approach to Reducing Gun Violence” on Friday, Dec. 4 at Emanuel A.M.E. Church, in Charleston, S.C. The conference comes almost six months after a shooting at the church on June 17, 2015 killed nine people. Gold will represent the American Psychiatric Association.
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Majority of Car-Pedestrian Deaths Happen to Those in Wheelchairs, Often at Intersections
WASHINGTON — An investigation into how often wheelchair users are killed in car-pedestrian crashes finds they are a third more likely to die than non-wheelchair users; more than half of those deaths occur at intersections.
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“More Light, Less Heat.” New Book Debunks Myths about Gun Violence and Mental Illness
WASHINGTON — The U.S. is experiencing two critical public health challenges — mental health and gun violence — but few understand these two crises rarely intersect when it comes to homicides, according to a new book now available edited by two Georgetown University Medical Center forensic psychiatrists.
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MEDIA ADVISORY: Georgetown Lombardi Hosts Patient/Physician Symposium Focused on GI Cancers
WASHINGTON – The Ruesch Center for the Cure of Gastrointestinal Cancers at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center hosts “Fighting a Smarter War Against Cancer,” a symposium for medical professionals, patients and advocates, Dec. 3-5, 2015 at Georgetown University.
Category: News Release
Brain Scan Reveals Cognitive Deficits in Older “Cognitively Normal” HIV+ Individuals
WASHINGTON — Neuroscientists at Georgetown University Medical Center have found in a small study that although a group of HIV+ older individuals scored “cognitively normal” in standard neuropsychology testing, a scan of their brains tells a different story.
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Righting a Wrong? Right Side of Brain Can Compensate for Post-Stroke Loss of Speech
WASHINGTON — After a debate that has lasted more than 130 years, researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center have found that loss of speech from a stroke in the left hemisphere of the brain can be recovered on the back, right side of the brain. This contradicts recent notions that the right hemisphere interferes with recovery.
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Microbiome Expert Martin Blaser to Receive Georgetown’s Cura Personalis Award Nov. 3
WASHINGTON — Georgetown University Medical Center will bestow its highest honor, the Cura Personalis Award, upon Martin J. Blaser, MD, a world-renowned microbiome researcher and clinician.
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