All Posts: GUMC Stories
HOYA Clinic Presence Grows at Society of Student Run Free Clinics Conference
HOYA Clinic student volunteers presented six posters at the Society of Student Run Free Clinics Conference, markedly increasing their participation at the international event.
Category: GUMC Stories
Georgetown Medical Students Find Their Match
For the Georgetown University School of Medicine Class of 2016, four years of hard work culminated at noon on March 18 at the annual event known as Match Day, when they joined fourth year medical students across the country in opening the envelopes that contain their assigned residencies.
Category: GUMC Stories
What Scott Kelly’s Year in Space Might Mean for a Mars Mission
GUMC Update sat down with Albert J. Fornace, Jr., MD, who holds the molecular cancer research chair at Georgetown Lombardi, to discuss his work on cosmic radiation and potential health concerns for astronaut Scott Kelly, who returned from a year in space on March 2.
Category: GUMC Stories
Exploring the Risks of Radiation Five Years After Fukushima
After being interviewed by dozens of news outlets during the Fukushima meltdown, Tim Jorgensen, PhD, MPH, realized most people do not understand radiation in a way that allows them to make an accurate assessment of its health risks. It is that lack of understanding that prompted Jorgensen to write “Strange Glow: The Story of Radiation,” which will be published March 9.
Category: GUMC Stories
Summit Explores “Unanswered Questions” in Female Concussion Research
Male and female head injuries appear very differently – in symptoms, treatment and recovery. Exploring those gender differences was the subject of the International Summit on Female Concussion and TBI, a recent two-day summit hosted by Georgetown University Medical Center.
Category: GUMC Stories
Georgetown Hosts Research Summit on Concussions in Females
When physicians, researchers and scientists gather at Georgetown University February 27-28 for the International Summit on Female Concussion and TBI (traumatic brain injury), they will tackle what they say is an underappreciated medical issue: brain concussions in girls and women.
Category: GUMC Stories
“Why Black Doctors?” Tackles Race in Medicine
School of Medicine students brought together an expert panel to discuss the importance of black physicians.
Category: GUMC Stories
Third Interprofessional Education Day Focuses on Implicit Bias, Health Disparities
For the first time since its inception in 2014, Interprofessional Education (IPE) Day attendees were asked to complete three modules of the Implicit Association Test (IAT), a validated instrument that helps uncover individual biases or preferences for specific demographic populations.
Category: GUMC Stories
School of Medicine Students Visit White House Medical Unit
While many in the D.C. area were still digging out after a weekend blizzard, several students from Georgetown University School of Medicine were taking a tour of the White House Medical Unit – an experience that was years in the making.
Category: GUMC Stories
Understanding resiliencies of healthy aging among HIV-positive and HIV-negative gay or bisexual men in the US
With a five-year, $2.1 million grant from the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities, Michael Plankey, PhD, is working to identify factors that contribute to healthy aging among gay and bisexual men.
Category: GUMC Stories