All Posts: liquid biopsy
With a New ‘Map’ of Cells, Georgetown Cancer Researchers Chart a Course to More Effective Treatment
Faculty and students from Biomedical Graduate Education programs, the School of Medicine and Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center are developing a new technique that could revolutionize the way cancers are tracked and treated. Instead of invasive surgical biopsies or time-consuming scans, clinicians could use simple blood tests to determine where the cancer is and whether it is responding to treatment.
Category: GUMC Stories
Surgeon and Basic Scientists Partner to Develop New Way to Suss Out Early Problems in Liver Transplantation
A unique collaboration between basic scientists at Georgetown University Medical Center and a transplant surgeon at MedStar Health could change how and when problems are identified with liver transplants, leading to expedited treatment and significantly reducing the need for additional testing.
Category: GUMC Stories
DNA Tags Enable Blood-Based Tests to Assess Cancer Treatment Outcomes
Category: News Release