Georgetown Professor Elected to Leadership Board of AAMC

Posted in GUMC Stories
February 02, 2014 - A Georgetown School of Medicine professor has been elected to the inaugural administrative board of the newly constituted Council of Faculty and Academic Societies (CFAS) of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).
Aviad Haramati, PhD, professor of biochemistry and molecular & cellular biology and director of CENTILE (Center for Innovation and Leadership in Education) at Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC), was named as one of 15 members of the CFAS Administrative Board, which serves as the steering committee of the CFAS.
The CFAS is one of three leadership councils of the AAMC, joining the Council of Deans and the Council of Teaching Hospitals and Health Systems. Comprising nearly 350 faculty leaders from all AAMC member medical schools and over 90 academic societies, the CFAS provides a forum for the faculty perspective within the leadership of AAMC.
“Having served as a chair of the Faculty Senate Caucus during a period of great change at GUMC, when we embarked on a partnership with MedStar, I am familiar with many of the issues facing faculty at academic health centers and want to help bring the faculty voice and perspective to the attention of the leaders in academic medicine,” Haramati says.
Haramati represents two academic societies on the board: The International Association of Medical Science Educators, a society focused on health professions education, and the Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine, a group of over 50 medical centers in North America focused on advancing integrative medicine in health professions training, research and clinical care.
He also served on the administrative board to the AAMC’s Council of Academic Societies (CAS), which voted to establish the new CFAS in order to “bring more meaningful faculty representation to AAMC,” Haramati says.
As a result of that restructuring, each member school and society is eligible to name two individual faculty representatives to the CFAS. Georgetown’s two representatives are Mark Danielsen, PhD, associate professor in the department of biochemistry and molecular & cellular biology, and Rebecca Evangelista, MD, associate professor of surgery.
By Lauren Wolkoff
GUMC Communications