5th Annual GUMC Convocation – Call for Award Nominations

Posted in GUMC Stories
It’s a fairly new tradition — the Georgetown University Medical Center Convocation. Now in its 5th year, we begin preparing once again to celebrate academic prowess and to recognize unique and outstanding achievements in research, education, and service.
Faculty, students and staff are invited to gather for Convocation on Thursday, November 15th at 3:00 p.m. in the Research Building Auditorium. All also are invited to attend a panel discussion starting at 10:00 a.m. in the Research Building Auditorium that will focus on our engagement in understanding and combating health disparities.
As part of our Convocation, GUMC faculty members are invited to nominate a colleague who is actively engaged in research pursuits for special recognition in two categories: the GUMC Leadership in Research Award and the GUMC Research Recognition Award.
The GUMC Leadership in Research Award is given for nationally recognized achievement in research. The criteria include: leadership of a large, collaborative interactive team science grant (e.g. NIH P-series, multi-center, high-impact clinical trial, resident/fellow training); or, induction into a prestigious academic society (e.g. National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine, etc.)
To nominate a candidate, please fill out this nomination form:
The GUMC Research Recognition Award honors research achievement at Georgetown University. The criteria for this award include the following:
Receipt of first R01 or other major independent grant (e.g. National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, American Cancer Society, American Heart Association) from the prior academic year (July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012);
Superior scholarship as evidenced by recent publications in prestigious journals and a consistent record of highly-cited influential publications; and,
Editorial board membership of a peer-reviewed journal, external peer recognition of scholarly accomplishment (e.g. best paper, best poster), or elected or named to leadership within an academic society.
To nominate a candidate for the GUMC Research Recognition Award, please fill out this nomination form: http://www4.georgetown.edu/uis/keybridge/keyform/form.cfm?FormID=3776
Please nominate only one GUMC faculty member per award. Self-nomination is acceptable. Submissions must be received by Friday, October 26, 2012 at 5:00 p.m.
For further information regarding these awards, please contact Jennifer Kluge, Chief of Staff to the Dean for Research at jck67@georgetown.edu.
Additional details about Convocation will be provided in the weeks ahead.