All Posts: News Release
Let’s “Get Smart About Antibiotics” Week
The discovery of antibiotics remains one of the most important medical advances to date, but overuse and inappropriate use of antibiotics has led to many infections becoming resistant to treatment.
Category: News Release
Volunteers Needed to Evaluate Sesame Street’s Autism Initiative
Parents of children with autism under the age of six are invited to participate in a new study designed to evaluate “Sesame Street and Autism: See Amazing in All Children.” The initiative, developed by Sesame Workshop, is designed to reduce stigma and build understanding about autism spectrum disorder.
Category: News Release
GUMC Selects Global Health Champion Roger I. Glass as Recipient of Highest Award
Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC) will honor Roger I. Glass, MD, PhD, with the 2016 Cura Personalis Award at its Ninth Annual GUMC Convocation on Thursday, Nov. 17. Glass also will be the Convocation keynote speaker.
Category: News Release
Study: Graphic Pictures On Cigarette Packs Would Significantly Reduce Smoking Death Rate
Using prominent, graphic pictures on cigarette packs warning against smoking could avert more than 652,000 deaths, up to 92,000 low birth weight infants, up to 145,000 preterm births, and about 1,000 cases of sudden infant deaths in the U.S. over the next 50 years, say researchers from Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Category: News Release
Could Minority-serving Hospitals Be Unfairly Penalized by CMS for Readmissions?
A new probe into why colorectal surgery patients end up back in the hospital after surgery suggests that it has less to do with the hospital or treatment received but rather more determined by patient factors such as race, income, and insurance status.
Category: News Release
STATEMENT: The National Action Partnership to Promote Safe Sleep on Revised AAP Safe Sleeping Recommendations
The Steering Committee of the National Action Partnership to Promote Safe Sleep (NAPPSS) is encouraged by the new American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) “SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Updated 2016 Recommendations for a Safe Infant Sleeping Environment.”
Category: News Release
Safe Sleep and Breastfeeding Advocates Come Together in NAPPSS
In recent years, recommendations for breast feeding and safe sleep for infants have led to enormous challenges in moving from recommendations to action that benefit infant health. Now, a coalition funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services aims to coalesce more than 60 groups to develop plans that move from “do and don’t” lists toward achieving the goals of breastfeeding and safe sleep advocates.
Category: News Release
Capital Breast Care Center Hosts Annual Gift of Life Breakfast
Capital Breast Care Center (CBCC), a community-based program of Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Office of Minority Health & Health Disparities Research, presents its 9th Annual Gift of Life Breakfast on Friday, October 14.
Category: News Release
Georgetown Researchers Describe Method to Study Real Time Cancer Invasion
A research team at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center has described the steps, in both written and video format, that allow cancer investigators to track, in real time, cancer cell invasion and metastasis in transparent zebrafish embryos. Using these fish models, researchers can find answers to cancer questions in one to three days instead of months for the typical mouse model.
Category: News Release
A Common Nerve Protein Elevated in Aggressive Neuroblastomas
A protein produced by nerve cells appears to be elevated in the blood of those with an aggressive form of neuroblastoma. The finding, published online October 12 in the American Journal of Pathology, could potentially lead to a prognostic test for the disease or be used to monitor its progress.
Category: News Release