Three Georgetown Physicians Honored by The Medical Society of DC
Posted in GUMC Stories | Tagged faculty honors, School of Medicine

Tamika Auguste, MD, and Terry Fairbanks, MD (screenshots courtesy of Kirsten Hawkins)
(May 15, 2021) — The Medical Society of DC honored Georgetown professors Tamika Auguste, MD, Terry Fairbanks, MD, and Maria Aramburu, MD, at its spring awards ceremony, May 14, “honoring healthcare heroes.”
“Our honorees are pillars of their community, profession and public health and their leadership helps to make the District a better place to practice medicine,” the society noted.
Auguste, professor of obstetrics and gynecology and chair of the OB/GYN Clinical Practice Council at MedStar Washington Hospital Center, received the Dr. Charles H. Epps, III Community Service Award for outstanding public service to the community. Auguste is also co-chair of the Racial Justice Committee for Change.
Fairbanks, vice president of quality and safety at MedStar Health, founding director of the National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare, and professor of emergency medicine at Georgetown University, received the John Benjamin Nichols Award for outstanding contributions toward improving the health of the community.
Aramburu assistant professor of pediatrics, was honored with the society’s Distinguished Service Award. Aramburu serves as co-chair of MSDC’s Women in Medicine Section. In addition to serving as co-chair, Aramburu is a COVID Clinician Champion.