Students Honor Instructors at Annual Celebration

Posted in GUMC Stories
Medical students dressed in satin cocktail dresses and suits and ties graced Copley Hall on Friday, March 23, 2012 for this year’s String of Pearls celebration. The event , coordinated by the third year students at Georgetown University School of Medicine honors residents and interns who have made an outstanding contribution to the education of the third and fourth year students who nominated them.
The name of the event “String of Pearls” represents the residents’ “pearls of wisdom” that the students take with them on their journey to becoming a doctor. Each year, a resident is selected for demonstrating the qualities of being a good teacher, and honored with the prestigious Mother of Pearl Award. This year’s recipient is Alex Vaclavik, M.D., a resident in the department of obstetrics and gynecology.
“He is an incredibly gifted teacher, he is very approachable, and he’s a friend–an inspirational person who I aspire to be like,” Andrew Carlo, a third year medical student said.
The Pearls of Awards evening concludes with dancing and an opportunity for all to socialize without stethoscopes in hands.
“I didn’t really know what to expect, it’s a good turnout, its nice to see the residents not in a hospital setting,” Arash Ghaffari, a third year medical student said.
In addition to Vaclavik, other String of Pearls honorees include:
Internal Medicine
Jason Sayanlar, M.D.
Ashley Turek, M.D.
General Surgery
David Spurlock, M.D.
Mona Rezai, M.D.
Sujata Sofat, M.D.
Surgical Subspecialties
Amjad Anaizi, M.D.
Jonathan Dela Luna, M.D.
Drew Falconer, M.D.
Spencer Lewis, M.D.
By Alicia Tarancon, GUMC Communications