GUMC Mini-Med School Begins February 28

Posted in GUMC Stories
Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC) announces the Spring 2012 Mini-Medical School Program, beginning Tuesday, February 28, 2012.
In its fifteenth year, the Mini-Medical School follows the traditional disciplines that medical students encounter during their training and offers innovative and timely presentations on a variety of topics related to the biomedical sciences and your health. This semester’s topics include: oncology, bioethics, pathology, pulmonology, biochemistry, nutrition, cardiology, and gender differences.
Mini-Medical School will be held weekly, every Tuesday, February 28 to April 17, at 7 to 9 p.m. in the Research Auditorium, New Research Building, on the GUMC campus.
This year, Mini-Med School will include two individuals on scholarships . The Junior Science and Humanities 2012 Symposium (JSHS), which is now in its 48th year at Georgetown University, welcomes more than 150 high school students and some science teachers to the campus for a two-day event full of science, medicine, and engineering. One teacher and one student will be chosen from a drawing of the JSHS attendees and will be given a scholarship to attend Mini-Medical School.
Georgetown’s Mini-Medical School is co-directed by Herbert Herscowitz, Ph.D., and Carlos Suarez-Quian, Ph.D., and coordinated by Gretchen Rydin.
The Mini-Medical School fees are as follows: $75.00 for GUMC and GUH employees and $100.00 for community members.
For more information, visit the Mini-Medical School’s website here, or e-mail