By the Numbers: Match Day 2018

Posted in GUMC Stories | Tagged medical education, School of Medicine
(March 16, 2018) — Surrounded by friends, family, classmates and instructors, the School of Medicine Class of 2018 waited excitedly on Match Day as the seconds ticked down before they could finally tear open the envelopes that would reveal the locations of their residencies.
On Match Day, medical students and graduates in the U.S. and around the world learn the U.S. residency programs where they will continue their medical training. According to the National Resident Matching Program, this year’s Main Residency Match had a record high number of participants.
Stephen Ray Mitchell, MD, MBA, dean for medical education at the School of Medicine, teased the students in a crowded auditorium in the Pre-Clinical Science Building with statistics on the match before starting the countdown. “If I could have the official timekeeper put 10 more seconds on the game clock,” Mitchell said. “Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines.”
After the countdown concluded and the envelopes were opened, students screamed, cheered and popped open bottles of bubbly beverages as parents dabbed their eyes with tissues and hugged. Over a barbeque lunch, they all celebrated the students’ success as they took another step on the path to pursuing careers in medicine.
By the numbers
Applicants participating in the Main Residency Match according to the National Resident Matching Program : 37,103*
Available positions in the match: 33,167*
Available first-year positions: 30,232 (1,383 more positions than in 2017)
Percentage of GU School of Medicine students who matched: 94%
Percentage of U.S. MD applicants who matched: 94%
Percentage of students who matched with one of the top 10 programs in their specialty: 19%
Percentage of students who matched with one of the top 25 programs in their specialty: 44%
Most popular specialties among School of Medicine students who matched:
- Internal medicine: 28 (21.4% of students matched with one of the top 10 programs in the country)
- Anesthesiology: 22 (32% of students matched with one of the top 10 programs)
- Orthopedics: 19 (11% of students matched with one of the top 10 programs)
- Pediatrics: 18 (39% of students matched with one of the top 10 programs)
- Emergency medicine: 17 (12% of students matched with one of the top 10 programs)
Most popular destinations for students who matched:
- New York State (33 students)
- District of Columbia (29)
- California (22)
- Maryland (12)
- Pennsylvania (11)
Number of states where School of Medicine students matched: 30 and the District of Columbia
Number of lives School of Medicine students will impact throughout their careers: countless!
* denotes new record
Kat Zambon
GUMC Communications