All Posts: GUMC Stories
A Mission to Ensure Quality Surgery For Cancer Patients
Waddah Al-Refaie, MD, FACS has established — and is already leading — what is arguably one of the strongest research relationships between Georgetown University and MedStar Health — the MedStar-Georgetown Surgical Outcomes Research Center (MG-SORC).
Category: GUMC Stories
Spring/Summer 2015
Georgetown Medicine Magazine, a publication for alumni and friends of Georgetown University Medical Center, is now available online. The theme of this Spring/ Summer issue is “Caring for the Whole Person with Integrative Medicine.”
Category: GUMC Stories
Singers and Scientists Create 'Music for the Mind' to Support Research on Neuroplasticity
Dozens gathered May 20 at the Davis Center for the Performing Arts to hear international opera star Marquita Lister perform at “Music for the Mind.”
Category: GUMC Stories
With Melanoma on the Rise, Advanced Treatment and Prevention More Important Than Ever
The latest session of Doctors Speak Out — held May 13 during Melanoma Awareness Month — brought Georgetown physicians and scientists together to explore both the alarming and positive trends in the disease.
Category: GUMC Stories
Leading Surgical Oncologist Installed as Dillon Chair
Georgetown University officially installed Waddah B. Al-Refaie, MD, FACS, as the John S. Dillon Chair in Surgical Oncology during a luncheon investiture ceremony May 11. Family members, mentors, colleagues and friends from around the world gathered at Georgetown’s Hariri Building to honor Al-Refaie, along with the physician who bears the Chair’s name.
Category: GUMC Stories
Warwick Evans Ceremony Celebrates the Best and Brightest of the Class of 2015
Just days before graduating from Georgetown’s School of Medicine, excited students and their proud families gathered for the Warwick Evans Award Ceremony in Healy Hall May 15.
Category: GUMC Stories
New MAGIS Society Members Named, Alongside Faculty Honors and Awards
The MAGIS Society of Master Teachers welcomed its newest inductees, one from clinical science and one from preclinical science, at the annual ceremony on May 14, one of the first of graduation weekend ceremonies occurring campus-wide.
Category: GUMC Stories
Military Medical Students Move to New Theatre of Operations
Seven newly minted physicians received promotions during a ceremony May 16, an annual tradition at Georgetown University School of Medicine for students who received a medical school education through the Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP).
Category: GUMC Stories
Eighth Graders Have Science on the Brain at GUMC
With the help of Bill Rebeck, PhD, and several neuroscience PhD students, visiting middle school students learned about the human brain in the most authentic way possible — by inspecting one up close.
Category: GUMC Stories
Medical School Graduates “Coming of Age in a Transformed System”
The 93 women and 93 men comprising the graduating class of Georgetown University School of Medicine assembled at Washington’s National Theater on Sunday morning, May 17, to receive their medical degrees.
Category: GUMC Stories